In 2024, we welcomed four of our graduated students to be a part of our brand new Missions Internship. Rosemary, Emma, Alan, and Geoffrey have all done amazing work discipling others within their home churches and communities. In addition to already doing the work, they each feel called to go out from their Jerusalem into Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the Earth. We can’t begin to tell you how excited we are not only to be involved in the Great Commission, but also helping others to go and fulfill their calling to the Great Commission.
Our missions interns spent six months living at the Cultivate Discipleship Ministry site and have committed to being sent out for at least one year. The internship includes further training on discipleship and leadership, while adding in many aspects of sharing the gospel to people from a different cultures and background. While they were a part of the six months of training, they also be received practical experience by helping teach in our discipleship program, leading the village discipleship conferences, and doing outreach within our community of Koch Goma.
In January of 2025, we helped to transition each of our interns, along with their family to both Yumbe (a heavily Muslim area) and Abim/Karamoja (an area with limited churches and many cultural challenges to the gospel). Each of our three families have been able to find a home and have begun settling into their new home and mission field. We are committed to supporting and walking alongside Emma, Rosemary, Alan, and Geoffrey and their families as they reach out into their surrounding community to share the love of Jesus over the next year. We are beyond excited to see how the Lord will use discipleship in these areas of Uganda.
Your donation and financial support can make a difference in the lives of those who don’t yet know the Lord.
Help us support our missions interns as they commit this year to serving the Lord in a different culture and area of Uganda.